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  Awards/ Honours
ICAR-DCFR was awarded ISO9001:2015on 22.6.2017
ICAR-DCFR was awarded "Rajshree Tanden Award"for hindi magazine Himjyoti by ICAR.
ICAR-DCFR was awarded "Rajbhasa shield" for excellent performance in Hindi working by ICAR, New Delhi.
Dr. A. K. Singh was awarded "Dr K L Sehgal Medal" for outstanding services in cold water fisheries sector in 2017.
  Dr. A. K. Singh awarded "Eminent Indian Zoologist Medal"by Zoological Society of India in 2017.
Dr. D. Baruah was awarded "Best Poster Award" (category wise) in Post harvest Technology (PHT-02) at National Seminar on "Strategies, Innovations and Sustainable Management for Enhancing Coldwater Fisheries and Aquaculture" from 22-24 September,2017held atICAR-DCFR, Bhimtal.
Dr. D. Baruah was awarded "Fellow of Zoological Society of India" (Registration Act 21, 1860; Regd. No. 302/2002-2003).  Dr. D. Baruah won "Third Prize" in M.C. Nandeesha Photo Competition in Kochi during the GAF-India event at the 11th Indian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum from 21-24 November 2017 at ICAR-CIFT, Kochi.
Dr. D. Sarma and Dr. Raghavendra Singh received "Certificate of Appreciation" by SAMETI, Jammu on 26th July 2017
Dr. D. Sarma was conferred "Fellow of Zoological Society of India" duringNational Seminar on "Strategies, Innovations and Sustainable Management for Enhancing Coldwater Fisheries and Aquaculture" from 22-24 September, 2017 held at ICAR-DCFR, Bhimtal.  Dr. D. Thakuria was awarded "Best Paper Award"at 11th Indian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum from 21-24 November 2017 at ICAR-CIFT, Kochi.
Dr. D. Thakuria was awarded "Gold Medal" by Zoological Society of India for his performance in young scientist presentation during National Seminar on "Strategies, Innovations and Sustainable Management for Enhancing Coldwater Fisheries and Aquaculture" from 22-24 September,2017held at ICAR-DCFR, Bhimtal.
Dr. M. S. Akhtar was conferred "Fellow of Zoological Society of India" on 22.09.2017
Dr. Neetu Shahi received "Certificate of Appreciation" by Zoological Society of India during National Seminar on "Strategies, Innovations and Sustainable Management for Enhancing Coldwater Fisheries and Aquaculture" from 22-24 September, 2017 held at ICAR-DCFR, Bhimtal.
Dr. N. N. Pandey was conferred "Prof. M.C. Dash Medal" by Zoological Society of Indiafor outstanding Research and Academic contribution in the field of fish and
Dr. Prem Kumar was conferred "Prof. B.N. Pandey Medal" by Zoological Society of India for outstanding Research and Academic contribution in the field of fish and fisheries.
Dr. R. S. Haldar was conferred "Fellow of Society of Life Sciences (FSLSc)" Satna, (M.P.) during May, 2017.
Dr. R. S. Haldar was conferred "Fellow of Zoological Society of India (FZSI)" during the 29th All India Congress of Zoology (29th AICZ) & International Symposium on Culture Based Fisheries in Inland Open Waters & International Satellite Symposium on Fish Immunology organized by Inland Fisheries Society of India (IFSI), Barrackpore in collaboration with Zoological Society of India (ZSI), Bodh Gaya and ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute (CIFRI), Barrackpore during June 9-11, 2017 at ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute (CIFRI), Barrackpore.
Dr. R.S. Haldar was awarded "Best Poster award" received during the the National Seminar on Strategies, Innovations and Sustainable Management for Enhancing Coldwater Fisheries and Aquaculture organized by ICAR- Directorate of Coldwater Fisheries Research, Bhimtal in collaboration with Zoological Society of India (ZSI), Bodh Gaya and Coldwater Fisheries Society of India, Bhimtal during September, 22-24, 2017.
Dr. R. S. Patiyal waswas conferred "Fellow of Zoological Society of India" during National Seminar on "Strategies, Innovations and Sustainable Management for Enhancing Coldwater Fisheries and Aquaculture" from 22-24 September, 2017 held at ICAR-DCFR, Bhimtal.
Prerna sharma, student of Dr. Neetu Shahi was awarded "Dr. S.S. Gupta Award" by Coldwater Fisheries Society of India duringNational Seminar on "Strategies, Innovations and Sustainable Management for Enhancing Coldwater Fisheries and Aquaculture" from 22-24 September, 2017 held at ICAR-DCFR, Bhimtal.
The Directorate received the "Best Annual Report Award‟ of ICAR for the year 2013-2014, under the small institute category, on May 2015.
Dr. A. K. Singh (Director) was honoured with the "Lifetime Achievement Award‟ in the field of fish biology by the Academy of Environmental Biologist in December 2015.
Dr. A. K. Singh (Director) was conferred the "Fellowship Award‟ of Zoological Society of India in October 2015.
Dr. R. S. Patiyal (Sr. Scientist) and Sh. A. K. Joshi (Sr. Technical Officer) received the "Rajbhasha Shield‟ in the 28th Hindi sammelan evam karyashala organized by Rajya bhasha evam prabandhan vikash sanshta at Kodaikanal during 14-16 May 2016.
  Best poster award was given to N. N. Pandey, R. S. Haldar, S. Ali, P. Kumar, R. S. Patiyal, M. Gupta, S. Kumar and A. K. Singh for the poster presentation on Successful artificial breeding of Labeo dero (Hamilton, 1822) in captivity under cold water condition, in the national conference on Hill Agriculture in Perspective held at GBPUAT, Pantnagar during 26-28 February 2016.
2nd Best poster award was given to L. Singh, R. Kumar, C. Siva, P. K. Sahoo and A. Barat for the poster presentation on Phylogenetic relationship and molecular identification of snow trout species using complete mitogenomes in the 2nd International symposium on Genomics in Aquaculture held at ICAR-CIFA, Bhubaneswar during 28-30 January 2016.
ICAR-DCFR nominated farmer Sh. Tilling Tadi from Ziro, lower Subansiri, Arunachal Pradesh received the "ICAR-IARI Innovative Farmers Award 2016‟ from Shri Radha Mohan Singh, honourable union minister of agriculture and farmers welfare, Government of India on 21 March 2016 at New Delhi.
Sh. Rajesh, M. (Scientist) won second place in 800 m race and Sh. Vijoy Kumar Singh (Sr. Technical Assistant) won third place in Javelin throw in the ICAR zonal sports meet (North zone) organized by ICAR-IISWC at FRI, Dehradun.
Dr. A. K. Singh (Director) was conferred the "Vigyan Ratn award" to honour scientific excellence by the Council of Science & Technology, Government of Uttar Pradesh, India.
Dr. A. K. Singh (Director) has received "Fellowship Award-2014" of Zoological Society, Kolkata, India.
Dr. A. K. Singh (Director) was conferred the "Bioved-Agri-Innovation Award-2015" of Bioved Research Institute of Agriculture & Technology, Allahabad for his outstanding contribution in the field of enhancement of livelihood security through sustainable farming system and related farm enterprises in North-West Himalayas.
Dr. A. K. Singh (Director) received "Appreciation Award" of Zoological Society of India on the occasion of 25th All India Congress of Zoology organized on 17.11.2014 at Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar, India.
Dr. D. Thakuria, (Scientist, Biochemistry-Animal Science) was awarded Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Dr. Satish Kumar, Head of Division, Division of Veterinary Biotechnology from ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, for his research work on "Evaluation of oncolytic potential of synthetic peptide analogs of SAC domain in Par-4 protein".
Dr. Amit Pande (Principal Scientist) achieved the distinction of being selected as "ICAR National Fellow" by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, to recognize his meritorious scientific contribution and to facilitate research activities under the project "Development of a method for detecting the presence of any virus signal in clinical samples of fish" in the next five years.
Dr. M.S. Akhtar (Scientist) was conferred "Dr. M.S. Swaminathan award for the Best Indian Fisheries Scientist of the year 2013" by the Professional Fisheries Graduate Forum, during the 10th Indian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum held at ICAR-NBFGR.
Dr. Ciji Alexander (Scientist) received the prestigious "Jawaharlal Nehru award for PG outstanding doctoral thesis research in agricultural and allied sciences-2013" instituted by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi.
Dr. R. S. Haldar, Assistant Chief Technical Officer has been conferred Fellow of the Academy of Environmental Biology, India by the Academy of Environmental Biology, Lucknow, India.
Dr. A. Barat, Principal Scientist has been conferred Life Fellow of the Academy of Environmental Biology, India by The Academy of Environmental Biology, Lucknow, India.
Dr. Shahnawaz Ali, Scientist, has been conferred Life Fellow of the Academy of Environmental Biology, India by The Academy of Environmental Biology, Lucknow, India.
Dr. R. S. Patiyal, Sr. Scientist received the best paper presentation award during Hindi Seminar" Parvatiya Chetron Mai Jaljeev Palan Vividhikaran". Organized at DCFR, Bhimtal from 23-24 September 2013, Title of the presentation was "Himalay Shetro mai Sajawatee Machliyo ke Palan se Jeewika Suraksha kee Sambhawnayei"
Chirag Goel awarded the Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Dr. A. Barat, Principal Scientist and Dr. Veena Pandey, Head, Department of Biotechnology from Kumaon University, Nainital for his dissertation work on "Molecular Cloning and Sequencing of a cDNA Encoding Mannose Binding Lectin Honologue in Schizothorax richardsonii and Comparison with Other Species Analogues".
Dr. N.N. Pandey, Sr. Scientist was conferred with "Fellow of Natural Science and Culture (FNSC)" by Foundation of Natural science and Culture, Haridwar (India).
Dr. R.S. Patiyal Sr. Scientist DCFR was conferred with the Fellowship of Indian Academy of Environmental Science, Haridwar for his contribution in coldwater fishery research. The award was conferred by Prof. Swatantr Kumar, Hon'ble Vice Chancellor G .K. University, Haridwar on 2nd November, 2012 during National Seminar, Haridwar.
Dr. Neetu Shahi, Scientist DCFR was conferred with "Fellow of Society of Applied Biotechnology (FSAB) 2012" by Society for applied biotechnology, Dharward, Karnataka.
Dr. S.K. Gupta, Scientist, DCFR, Champawat received Bioved "Young Scientist Award 2013" for his outstanding contribution in the field of fish nutrition and physiology.
Dr. R.S. Patiyal Sr. Scientist received Fellowship Award-2013 by Bioved Research Institute of Agriculture and Technology Allahabad on 22-241h February, 2013.
Dr. N.N. Pandey and Dr. Amit Pande, Sr. Scientist and Dr. R.S. Haldar (T-6) received "Letter of appreciation" by Govt. of Sikkim, Department of Fisheries for the promotion of the trout farming in the state.
Dr. Prem Kumar, Sr. Scientist has been awarded Post Graduate Diploma in "Technology Management in Agriculture" by University of Hyderabad and National academy of Agriculture Research Management" (NAARM), Hyderabad.
Mr. M.S. Akhtar, Scientist has been conferred the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Fish Nutrition and Biochemistry on 3rd September, 2012 by Central Institute of Fisheries Education (Deemed University), Mumbai on his thesis entitled 'Physic-metabolic responses of tropical and temperate fish to different stressors and their mitigation measure.
Mr. Rakesh Matura has been conferred the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Biotechnology on 12th February 2013 by Kuamon University Nainital under the supervision of Dr. A. Barat (Principal Scientist) DCFR Bhimtal on his thesis entitled "Development and 'characterization of microsatellite DNA Markers for Garra gotyla (family Cyprindae, Pisces)".
Mrs. Seema Sah has been conferred the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Biotechnology on 12th February, 2013 by Kuamon university Nainital under the supervision of Dr. A. Barat (Principal Scientist) DCFR Bhimtal and Dr. Veena Pande, Head, Department of Biotechnology, on her thesis entitled "Population genetic characterization of Barilius bendelisis (Cyprindae: Pisces) from wild population using microsatellite and RAPD markers.
DCFR stall was conferred the Honour of Award in International Exhibition "IARI" at IARI exhibition ground, Pusa New Delhi during 13-15Ih December, 2012.
Miss. Kiran Belwal and Dr. Amit Pande, Sr. Scientist won the thrid position in poster presentation entitled Characterization and expression analysis of Toll like Receptor-3 (TLR-3)and its role in recognizing viral PAMPs in Barilius bendelisis at IVRI Mukteshwar on XXI National Conference on Immunobiology and Management of Viral Diseases in 21st Century, held during 8_10th November, 2012.
Mrs. Pusphita Das, Dr. Debajit Sarma, Pr. Scientist, M. S. Akhtar, Scientist, Mrs. Suman Sanwal, Sh. Partha Das and Mrs. Ciji Akhtar won the 2nd position in best poster award entitled "Amino acids, mineral and nutritional quality of golden mahseer (Tor putitora) in coldwater Himalayan region" in the National Seminar on Mountain Fisheries: Challenges and Opportunity for Livelihood Security, DCFR, Bhimtal, 5_6th November, 2012.
Rohit Kumar won the Best poster awards for Kumar R., Sati J., Sahoo P.K., Patiyal R.S., Barat A. 2012. Multivariate morphometric analysis of population of Tor putitora (Hamilton, 1882) along the trans-Himalayan region ofIndia using truss network analysis". Abstract No. BH-10 in National Seminar on Mountain Fisheries: Challenges and Opportunity for Livelihood Security, DCFR, Bhimtal, 5_6th November, 2012.
Notice Board
ICAR-DCFR receives Patent for an invention entitled “Composition, Protocol and Diagnostic Kit for Identification of Bacterial Pathogen Lactococcus Garvieae"
ICAR-DCFR receives Patent for an invention entitled “System for Year-Round Repeated Breeding and Higher Robust Fry Production of Golden Mahseer”
COVID Vaccination Amrit Mahotsav
Tender Notice
Bid for Purchase of MS Office LTSC Professional Plus 2024
Bid for Purchase of CPVC Ball Valve (Q4)
Bid for Purchase of CPVC Industrial Pipe (Q3) , CPVC Industrial Pipe Fittings,Schedule 80 (Q3)
Bid for Purchase of Micro extruder
Walk-in-Interview for Young Professional II posts on 17.03.2025
Walk-in-Interview for Young Professional II posts on 17.03.2025
Applications are invited for the post of Authorized Medical Attendant (AMA)
Applications are invited for the post of Authorized Medical Attendant (AMA)
Corrigendum - Walk-in-Interview for JRF Post
Corrigendum - Walk-in-Interview for JRF Post
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