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The ICAR-DCFR library and Documentation Unit acts as a repository of literature and information and provides services to its scientists and other staff members as well as research scholars, students and other individuals from neighboring organizations interested in scientific literature on coldwater fisheries and allied subjects. During the year 2015-16, the Directorate subscribed 13 online international journals, 7 Indian print journals and procured 239 scientific books of both Indian and foreign authored. The current holding of the library includes 3736 books, 1693 volumes of foreign journals, 536 volumes of Indian journals and 8000 other publications. The Library facilitated the scientists and other staffs to access free online download of publications and articles of many international and national journals through CeRA ( The library is putting its sincere efforts in collection, processing and disseminating scientific/technical information to the potential users. The library maintains active reprography services by producing departmental publications and supplying required photocopies to the scientists and research scholars. Recently, an inventory of e-journals of important fisheries research articles has been developed. The details of the Journals in the inventory are summarized in the table given below.
S.N. Journal Name Articles downloaded from (Year) Total volumes Total no. of articles downloaded
A.  Journals subscribed by DCFR
1. Aquaculture Nutrition 1996 to 2015 21 1168
2. Aquaculture Research 1997 to 2015 46 234
3. Fisheries Management & Ecology 1997 to 2015 22 945
4. Journal of  Applied Ichthyology 1996 to 2015 31 2662
5. Journal of  Aquatic Animal Health 1997 to 2015 27 736
6. Journal of  Fish Biology 1997 to 2015 86-87 5807
7. Journal of  Fish Diseases 1997 to 2015 38 1740
8. Journal of  Molecular Evolution 1997 to 2015 80-81 1864
9. Mitochondrial DNA 1997 to 2015 26 1257
10. Fish & Fisheries 2011 to 2015 16 182
11. Canadian journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences 1996 to 2015 72 4286
12. Reviews in Aquaculture 2009 to 2015 7 144
13. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (India)Section B Biological Science 2012 to 2015 85 309
B.Journals available in CERA
14. Animal feed Science & Technology 2001 to 2014 175 1672
15. Aquaculture Economics & Management 1997 to 2014 72 462
16. Aquaculture International 1997 to 2014 99 812
17. Aquatic Ecosystem Health  & Management 1998 to 2014 64 611
18. Fisheries Research 2008 to 2014 76 1115
19. General & Comparative Endocrinology 2001 to 2014 175 1685
20. Journal of Thermal Biology 2002 to 2014 89 747
  Total no. of articles available in the e-inventory                                           28,197
Documentation section:
The documentation section of the library is entrusted with responsibility of publications of scientific bulletins, brochures, pamphlets, annual reports and newsletters. During this period, one annual report (2013-14) two bulletins and two newsletters of DCFR has been published. The annual reports, special publications and technical bulletins published from time to time have been mailed to more than 250 organizations, institutions and fishery agencies.
D.C.F.R. Priced Publications List
Sl.No Name of Publication /No./Year/Editors Price Each
1. Himalayan Mahseer
Bulletin NO.l,1999
H.S. Raina Shyam Sunder. C.B. Joshi, Madan Mohan
@   50/-
2. Fishes of Indian Uplands
Bulletin NO.2, 1999
Shyam: Under, H.5. Raina ,C.B. Joshi,
@   50/
3. Biochemical Status of Coldwater fishes
Bulletin NO.3,1999 Rajeev Kapila
@   50/
4. DqekÅ esa eRL; ikyu ,oa laj{k.k
cqysfVu ua0 4 1999
`iky nRr tks'kh
@   50/
5. Fishery Restoration in Nainital lake
Bulletin NO.9, 2004 K.K. Vass, H, S. Raina
@   50/
6. Highland Fisheries & Aquatic Resource Management @  300/-
7. Proceedings National Seminar on Aquatic Resource Management
K.K Vass, S.A.H. Abidi , late V.P. Agrawal,
@  100/-
8. Cold water Fishes Management
Bulletin No.18, 2010
P.C Mahanta , Debajit Sarma,
@ 470/-
9. Coldwater Fishes of India-an atlas
P.C. Mahanta ,Debaijit Sarma, W. Vishwanath Singh N. Anganthoibi
@ 1500/-
Notice Board
ICAR-DCFR receives Patent for an invention entitled “Composition, Protocol and Diagnostic Kit for Identification of Bacterial Pathogen Lactococcus Garvieae"
ICAR-DCFR receives Patent for an invention entitled “System for Year-Round Repeated Breeding and Higher Robust Fry Production of Golden Mahseer”
COVID Vaccination Amrit Mahotsav
Tender Notice
Bid for Purchase of MS Office LTSC Professional Plus 2024
Bid for Purchase of CPVC Ball Valve (Q4)
Bid for Purchase of CPVC Industrial Pipe (Q3) , CPVC Industrial Pipe Fittings,Schedule 80 (Q3)
Bid for Purchase of Micro extruder
Walk-in-Interview for Young Professional II posts on 17.03.2025
Walk-in-Interview for Young Professional II posts on 17.03.2025
Applications are invited for the post of Authorized Medical Attendant (AMA)
Applications are invited for the post of Authorized Medical Attendant (AMA)
Corrigendum - Walk-in-Interview for JRF Post
Corrigendum - Walk-in-Interview for JRF Post
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