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Research Papers
  • Akhtar, M.S., Pal, A.K, Sahu, N.P, Ciji, A. and Mahanta, P.C., 2014. Higher acclimation temperature modulates the composition of muscle fatty acid of Tor putitora juveniles. Weather and Climate Extremes, 4: 19-21.
  • Ali, S., Barat, A., Pandey, H., Sivaraman, G.K., Sahoo, P.K. and Sati, J., 2014. Mitochondrial DNA variation and population genetic structure of snow trout from Kumaun and Garhwal Himalayan Regions of India. Journal of Ecophysiology and Occupational Health,14(1&2): 23-31.
  • Barat, A., Goel, C., Sahoo, P.K. and Rao, A.R., 2014. Development of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from the brain tissue of snow trout Schizothorax richardsonii (Gray, 1832) (Family Cyprinidae) and its preliminary annotation. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 61(2): 118-128.
  • Bhagawati, K., Chadha, N.K., Sarma, D., Sawant, P.B. and Akhtar, M.S., 2014. Physiological responses of golden mahseer (Tor putitora) fry to dietary zinc and assessment of its optimum requirement. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India - Section B: Biological Sciences, DOI 10.1007/s40011-014-0383-y.
  • Ciji, A., Sahu, N.P., Pal, A.K., Akhtar, M.S., Tincy, V., Mishal, P. and Das, P., 2014. Effect of dietary vitamin E and nitrite exposure on growth and metabolic variables of Labeo rohita juveniles. National Academy Science Letters, 37 (2): 123-129.
  • Chaturvedi, P., Dhanik, M. and Pande, A. 2014: Characterization and Structural Analysis of Hepcidin like Antimicrobial Peptide from Schizothorax richardsonii (Gray). The Protein Journal. 33(1):1–10.
  • Giri, A.K., Sahu N.P., Saharan, N. and Dash, G., 2014. Effect of dietary supplementation of chromium on growth performance and biochemical parameters of Labeo rohita (Hamilton) fingerlings. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 61(2): 73-81.
  • Goel, C., Barat, A., Pande, V. and Sahoo, P.K., 2014. Molecular cloning and characterization of Mannose Binding Lectin homologue from snow trout (Schizothorax richardsonii). Protein Journal, DOI 10.1007/s10930-014-9591-9.
  • Jin, J., Panserat, S., Kamalam, B.S., Aguirre, P., Véron, V. and Médale, F., 2014. Comparison of glucose and lipid metabolic gene expressions between fat and lean lines of rainbow trout after a glucose load. PloSONE 9(8): e105548.
  • Jin, J., Panserat, S., Kamalam, B.S., Aguirre, P., Véron, V. and Médale, F., 2014. Insulin regulates lipid and glucose metabolism similarly in two lines of rainbow trout selected for muscle fat content. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 204: 49-59.
  • Kumar, P., Pandey, N.N., Okendro Singh, N., Chandra, N., Mishra, D.C., Agrawal, P.K., Barat, A. and Bhatt, J.C., 2014. Length weight relationship and growth pattern of Common carp (Cyprinus carpio Var. Communis) in different pond environment. Journal of Ecophysiology and Occupational Heallth, 1&2: 48-54.
  • Kumar, R., Sahoo, P.K., Vishwanath, W. and Barat, A., 2014. Karyotype of a new loach Schistura obliquofascia and a mahseer Puntius chelynoides from Kumaon Hills of Himalaya. Cytologia 79(2): 1–4.
  • Mir, F.A., Mir, J.I., Patiyal, R.S. and Kumar P., 2014. Length-weight relationships of four snow trout species from the Kashmir Valley in India. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, DOI 10.1111/ jai.12482.
  • Mir, J.I., Mir F.A. and Patiyal, R.S. 2014: Phenotypic variation among three populations of Chirruh Snowtrout, Schizothorax esocinus (Heckel, 1838) with Insights from Truss Network System in Kashmir Himalaya. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. India Sect. B Biol. Sci. 84(1):105–111.
  • Mohanty, B.P., Mahanty,A., Ganguly, S., Sankar, T.V., Chakraborty, K., Rangasamy, A., Paul, B., Sarma, D., Mathew, S., Asha, K.K., Behera, B., Aftabuddin, M., Debnath, D., Vijayagopal, P., Sridhar, N., Akhtar, M.S., Shahi, N., Mitra, T., Banerjee, S., Paria, P., Das, D., Das, P., Vijayan, K.K., Laxmanan, P.T. and Sharma. A.P., 2014. Amino acid compositions of 27 food fishes and their importance in clinical nutrition. Journal of Amino Acids, Article ID 269797, 7 pages.
  • Monika, G., Pandey, N.N., Tiwari, V.K., Singh, R., Kumar, P., Haldar, R.S., Ali, S. and Pande, A., 2014. Effect of different temperature on incubation period, hatching rate, survival and growth of Labeo dyocheilus larvae. Journal of Ecophysiology and Occupational Heallth, 1&2:59-62.
  • Monika, G., Pandey, N.N., Tiwari, V.K., Singh, R., Prakash, C. and Chaturvedi, C.S., 2014. Study of Gonadosomatic Index and fecundity of pond raised Labeo dyocheilus in cold water conditions. International Journal of Advanced Research, 1(7): 137-140.
  • Pandey, N.N., Haldar, R.S., Monika, G. and Singh, R., 2014. Study of gonado-somatic index and absolute fecundity of Labeo dero (Hamilton,1822). Journal of sustainable Research, 3(1): 47-50.
  • Panserat, S., Kamalam, B.S., Fournier, J., Plagnes-Juan, E., Woodward, K. and Devlin, R.H., 2014. Glucose metabolic gene expression in growth hormone transgenic coho salmon. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A, 170: 38-45.
  • Patiyal, R.S., Mir, J.I., Sharma, R.C., Chandra, S. and Mahanta P.C. 2014: Pattern of meristic and morphometric variation between wild and captive stocks of endangered Tor putitora (Hamilton 1822) using multivariate statistical analysis methods. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. India Sect. B Biol. Sci. 84(1):123–129.
  • Patiyal, R.S., Lal, K.K., Punia, P., Mir, J. I., and Singh, A. K., 2014: Length-weight relationship and condition factor of five wild freshwater fish species from river Ganga in India. Journal of Ecophysiology and occupational health. 3(4):7-11.
  • Ratul, K., Sarma, P.S., Dutta, A., Das, P. and Sarma, D., 2014. Induced breeding and larval rearing of Anabas testudineus (Bloch) under the agroclimatic conditions of Assam, India. The Allahabad Farmer, LXX(1): 261-269.
  • Sarma, D., Kohli, V., Sarika, S.K., Jyoti, P., Mallik, S.K., Shahi , N., Das, P., Srivastava, S.K., Joshi, V. and Akhtar, M.S., 2014. Histological alterations in gill, liver and kidney of rainbow trout following fungal infection. Journal of Ecophysiology and Occupational Health, 14: 127- 132.
  • Sarma, D., Akhtar, M.S., Das, P., Das, P., Gariya, G., Shahi, N. and Ciji, A., 2014. Proximate and mineral composition of some selected coldwater fishes of upland Himalaya. Nutrition and Food Science, 44: 554-561.
  • Sarma, D., Akhtar, M.S., Das, P., Ganesh, G., Ciji, A. and Mahanta, P.C., 2014. Morphometric changes during larval development of chocolate mahseer, Neolissochilus hexagonolepis (McClelland, 1839). Indian Journal of Fisheries, 62: 135-138.
  • Shahi, N., Mallik S.K. and Sarma, D. 2014. Leukocyte response and phagocytic activity in common carp, Cyprinus carpio experimentally infected with virulent Aeromonas allosaccharophila. Journal of Ecophysiology and Occupational Health. 14(2) 66-70.
  • Shahi, N., Mallik, S.K., Sarma, D., Sahoo, M. and Das, P., 2014. Corneal hypertrophy in farmed chocolate mahseer, Neolissochilus Hexagonolepis from Uttarakhand, India, Journal of Ecophysiology and occupational health, 14: 79-82.
  • Shahi, N., Pandey, J., Mallik, S.K., Sarma, D. and Das, P., 2014. Gonadal development stages of wild male golden mahseer, Tor putitora from Nainital region of Uttarakhand, India. Journal of Eco-physiology and Occupational Health, 14: 133-138.
  • Sharma, N.K., Mir, J.I., Pandey, N.N. and Singh, R., 2014. Morphometric and meristic characteristics of Birdi Loach, Botia birdi (Chaudhuri, 1909) from a tributary of Indus Basin, Jammu and Kashmir, India. World Journal of Fish and Marine Sciences, 6(3): 262-266.
  • Sharma, N.K., Mir, J.I., Pandey, N.N., Akhtar, M.S. and Singh, R., 2014. Meristic and morphometric characteristics of Crossocheilus diplochilus (Heckel, 1838) from the Poonch Valley of Jammu and Kashmir, India. World Journal of Zoology, 9(3):184-189.
  • Singh A.K., Ansari, A., Srivastava, S.C., Verma, P. and Pathak, A.K., 2014. Impacts of invasive fishes on fishery dynamics of the Yamuna river, India. Agricultural Sciences, 5: 813-821.
  • Singh A.K., Srivastava, P.P., Singh, R. and Ansari, A., 2014. Effect of dietary administration of letrozole and tamoxifen on gonadal development, sex differentiation and biochemical changes in common carp (Cyprinus carpio L). Reproduction, Fertility and Development. DOI: 10.1071/RD13234.
  • Singh, A.K., 2014. Emerging alien species in Indian aquaculture: prospects and threats. Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries, 2(1): 32-41
  • Singh, A.K., Srivastava, S.C., Verma, P., Ansari, A. and Verma, A., 2014. Hazard assessment of metals in invasive fish species of the Yamuna River, India in relation to bioaccumulation factor and exposure concentration for human health implications. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. DOI: 10.1007/s10661-014-3660-6.
  • Sivaraman, G.K., Barat, A. and Ali, S., 2014. Study of population genetic polymorphism and gene flow rate in Indian snow trout, Schizothorax richardsonii fish of Himalaya, India. Journal of Environmental Biology 35(6): 1115-1121.
  • Tyagi, A., Ali, S., Goel, C. and Barat, A., 2014. Glycerol accumulation and modulation in selected enzyme activities in response to cold acclimation of two species of cyprinid fishes Schizothorax richardsonii (Gray) and Barilius bendelisis (Hamilton). Indian Journal of Fisheries, 61(2): 52-57.
  • Ali, S., Barat, A., Kumar, P., Sati, J., Kumar, R. and Haldar R.S. 2014: Study on lenght weight relationship and condition factor for the golden Mahseer Tor putitora from Himlayan rivers of India. J. Envtl. Bio.35(1):225-228.
Notice Board
ICAR-DCFR receives Patent for an invention entitled “Composition, Protocol and Diagnostic Kit for Identification of Bacterial Pathogen Lactococcus Garvieae"
ICAR-DCFR receives Patent for an invention entitled “System for Year-Round Repeated Breeding and Higher Robust Fry Production of Golden Mahseer”
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Walk-in-Interview for Young Professional II posts on 17.03.2025
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