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Research Papers
  • Ali, S., Chakraborty, S. K. and Kumar, P. (2015). Abundance and spatio-temporal distributional pattern of Dotilla myctiroides (Milne-Edwards) on exposed sandy beach of Aksa, Mumbai. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. B Biol. Sci., 85(4):943-949.
  • i> Barat, A., Kumar, R., Goel, C., Singh, A. K. and Sahoo, P. K. (2015). De novo assembly and characterization of tissue specific transcriptome in the endangered golden mahseer, Tor putitora. Metagene, DOI: 10.1016/j.mgene.2015.11.00
  • Barat, A., Sahoo, P. K., Kumar, R., Mir, J. I., Ali, S., Patiyal, R. S. and Singh, A. K. (2015). Molecular characterization of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1972) stocks in India. Journal of Genetics, 94(13):e13-e18.
  • Baruah, K., Huy, T.T., Norouzitallab, P., Niu, Y., Gupta, S.K., Schryver, P.D. and Bossier, P., 2015. Probing the protective mechanism of poly- ß-hydroxybutyrate against vibriosis by using gnotobiotic Artemia franciscana and Vibrio campbellii as host-pathogen model. Scientific reports, 5: 9427, DOI: 0.1038/srep09427.
  • Bashir, A., Bisht, B. S., Mir, J. I., Pati, R. S. and Kumar, R. (2015). Morphometric variation and molecular characterization of snow trout species from Kashmir valley, India. Mitochondrial DNA, DOI: 10.3109/19401736.2015.1101537.
  • Bashir, A., Kumar, R., Bisht, B. S., Patiyal, R. S., Mir, J. I. and Singh, A. K. (2015). Molecular characterization of Cyprinus carpio var. communis and Carassius carassius from Kashmir. SKUAST Journal of Research, 17(1): 1-7.
  • Belwal, K. and Pande, A. (2015). Molecular cloning, domain analysis and homology modeling of Toll-Like Receptor 3 from Barilius bendelisis (Ham.) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. B Biol. Sci. DOI 10.1007/s40011-0150677-8.
  • Chandra, S., Singh, S. K., Dasgupta, S. and Sahoo, S. K. (2015). Mass specific oxygen uptake in the freshwater catfish Wallago attu (Bloch & Schneider, 1801). Indian J. Fish., 62(3): 137-140.
  • Chandra, S. and Joshi, K.D., 2015. Study on growth and survival of carps in salt affected ponds under different treatments. Journal of Inland Fisheries Society, 47 (1).
  • Chaturvedi, P., Dhanik, M. and Pande, A. (2015). Molecular characterization and in silico analysis of Defensin from Tor putitora (Hamilton). Probiotics and Antimicrobial Protein. DOI 10.1007/s12602-015-9197-3
  • Fernandes, J., Pal. A.K., Kumar, P., Chandrachoodan, P.P. and Akhtar, M.S., 2015. Combined effect of heat shock and chlorine fails to elicit acquired thermal tolerance in Labeo rohita spawns. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India - Section B: Biological Sciences, DOI 10.1007/s40011-014-0478-5.
  • Gupta, S.K., Pal, A.K., Sahu, N.P., Jha, A.K. and Prusty A.K., 2015. Effects of dietary microbial levan on growth performance, RNA/DNA ratio and some physio-biochemical responses of Labeo rohita (Hamilton) juveniles. Aquaculture Nutrition, DOI: 10.1111/anu.12216.
  • Inlole, N. A., Ram, R. N. and Kumar, P. (2015). Assessment of sedimentation in anak Sagar reservoir of Uttarakhand, India using remote sensing technique. J. Env. Bio-Sci., 29 (1):17-21.
  • Inlole, N. A., Ram, R. N. and Kumar, P. (2015). Study of morphometrical changes and suspended sediments in Nanak Sagar reservoir of Uttarakhand, India, using remote sensing data & its impact on Ichthyofaunal diversity. Eco. Env. & Cons. 20 (Suppl.): S373-S379.
  • Kumar, P., Saxena, K. K., Tyagi, B. C., Joshi, K. D., Pandey, N. N., Singh, A. K. (2015).Ichthyofaunal diversity of Sarda Sagar reservoir in Tarai region. J. Eco. & Occu. Health. 15 (1&2):9-17.
  • Mahanty, K. A., Ganguly, S., Sankar, T. V., Anandan, R., Chakrabarty, K., Paul, B. N., Sarma, D., Dayal, J. S., Venkateshwarlu, G., Debnath, D., Mitra, T., Banerjee, S., Mathew, S., Asha, K. K., Vijayagopal, P., Sridhar, N., Chanda, S., Das, P., Das, P., Shahi, N., Akhtar, M. S., Vijayan, K. K., Sharma, A. P., Singh, S. D., Mohan, M., Meenakumari, B. and Ayyappan, S. (2015). Database on nutritional composition of food fishes from India. Current Science, vol. 109, no. 11.
  • Mallik, S. K., Sarma, D., Sarma, D. and Shahi, N. (2015). Acid mine drainage, a potential threat to fish fauna of Simsang River, Meghalaya. Current Science, vol. 109, no. 4, 687-690.
  • Mallik, S. K., Shahi, N., Das, P., Pandey, N.N., Haldar, R. S., Anand, B. S. and Chandra S. (2015). Occurrence of Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (white spot) infection in snow trout, Schizothorax richardsonii (Gray) and its treatment trial in controlled conditions. Indian Journal of Animal Research. 49 (2): 227-230.
  • Mir, J. I., Patiyal, R. S. and Sahoo, P. K. (2015). Length-weight relationships of 10 fish species from a tributary of Ganga river basin in Uttarakhand, India. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, DOI: 10.1111/jai.12686.
  • Mir, J. I., Patiyal, R. S. and Sharma, N. K. (2015). Analysis of length-weight relationship of sympatric hill stream teleosts Barilius bendelisis (Hamilton, 1807) and Barilius vagra (Hamilton, 1822) from Garhwal Himalaya, India. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, DOI: 10.1111/jai.12688.
  • Mir, J. I., Saxena, N., Patiyal, R. S. and Sahoo, P. K. (2015). Phenotypic differentiation in Barilius bendelisis (Hamilton, 1807) from four rivers of the Central Indian Himalaya. Rev. Biol. Trop.(Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 63 (1): 165-173.
  • Mir, J.I. and Patiyal, R.S., 2015. Analysis of length-weight relationship of sympatric hill stream teleosts Barilius bendelisis (Hamilton,1807) and Barilius vagra (Hamilton, 1822) from Garhwal Himalaya, India. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, DOI 10.1111/jai.12688.
  • Nilssen, K. J., Ngasainao, M. R., Sharma, J. G., Srivastava, S. K., Chandra, S., oirangthem, K. S., Khangembam, B. K., Kumar, S. and Chakrabarty, R. (2015). Activities of digestive enzymes in relation to ingested natural food in three carp species of Himalayan River Ladhiya northern India. Aquaculture Nutrition, DOI .1111/ anu /123551.2015.
  • Pankaj, V., Singh, A.K., Tripathi, M. and Srivastava, S.C., 2015. Comparative morphometry, growth and feeding ecology of feral Oreochromis niloticus (L.) invaded into the Ganga river system, India. Research on Environmental and Life Sciences, 8(1): 63-68.
  • Sahoo, P. K., Goel, C., Kumar, R., Dhama, N., Ali, S., Sarma, D., Nanda, P. and Barat, A. (2015). The complete mitochondrial genome of threatened chocolate mahseer (Neolissochilus hexagonolepis) and its phylogeny. Gene, 570: 299–303.
  • Sarma, D., Akhtar, M. S., Das, P., Ganesh, G., Ciji, A. and Mahanta, P. C. (2015). Observations on larval development of chocolate mahseer, Neolissochilus hexagonolepis (McClelland, 1839). Indian Journal of Fisheries, 62(1):135138.
  • Sarma, D., Das, P., Das, P., Sanwal, S. and Akhtar, M. S. (2015). Nutritional composition of golden mahseer (Tor putitora) in coldwater Himalayan region of India. SKUAST Journal of Research 17(1): 23-28.
  • Sarma, D., Munjal, C., Bhaisora, G., Pandey, J., Sarika, K., Das, P., Akhtar, M. S., and Ciji, A. (2015). Electron microscopic study on selected fungal infected organs of rainbow trout and Indian hill trout scanning from central Himalaya. Journal of Eco-physiology and Occupational Health. DOI:10.15512/ joeoh/2015/v15i1&2/91184.
  • Sarma, D., Sanwal, S. and Das, P. (2015). Food and feeding of chocolate mahseer (Neolissochilus hexagonolepis) from fry to juvenile stages in captivity. J. Inland Fisheries Society of India. Vol. 47 (1): 10-17
  • Sarma, D., Sanwal, S., Das, P. and Akhtar, M. S. (2015). Ontogeny in feeding behaviour of chocolate mahseer, Neolissocheilus hexagonolepis in captive environment. Journal of Ecophysiology and Occupational health. OI:10.15512/joeoh/2015/v15i1&2/91185.
  • Saxena, N., Dube, K., Patiyal, R. S. and Tiwari, V. K. (2015). Meristic and morphometric differentiation in wild populations of Barilius bendelisis (Hamilton 1807) from Kumaon Region of Uttarakhand, India. Fishery Technolog y, 52: 205-212.
  • Singh A.K. and Srivastava, P.P., 2015. A CYP19 based sex determination and monosex production in aquaculture species Oreochromis niloticus L. and a Cyprinid Cyprinus carpio L.Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal 6:1.
  • Singh A.K., Ansari, A., Srivastava, S.C. and Shrivastava, V.K., 2015. An appraisal of introduced African catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822) in India: invasion and risks. Annual Research & Review in Biology 6(1): 41-58.
  • Sharma, N. K., Akhtar, M. S., Pandey, N. N., Singh, R. and Singh, A. K. (2015). Seasonal variation in thermal tolerance, oxygen consumption, anti-oxidative enzymes and non-specific immune indices of Indian hill trout, Barilius bendelisis (Hamilton, 1807) from central Himalaya, India. J. Thermal Biol.52:166-176.
  • Sharma, N. K., Mir, J. I., Pandey, N. N., Singh, R., Bashir, A. and Akhtar, M. S. (2015). Length–weight relationships of six fish species from an Indus basin tributary in the Poonch region of Jammu and Kashmir, India. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 31(3): 585-586.
  • Sharma, N. K., Mir, J. I., Singh, R., Akhtar, M. S. and Pandey, N. N. (2015). Length–weight relationships for eight fish species from the Ravi River, north-western India. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 31(6):1146-1147.
  • Verma, R., Singh, A. K. and Kamal, J. (2015). Endocrine disrupting compounds in river Gomti: sources, detection, and effects (a review). Proc. Zool. Soc. India 14(1): 79-90.
  • Sharma, N. K., Singh, R., Pandey, N. N., Akhtar, M. S. and Mir, J. I. (2015). Length–weight relationship of two fish species from Poonch River, Western Indian Himalaya: Glyptothorax kashmirensis (Hora, 1923) and Crossocheilus diplochilus (Heckel, 1838). Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 31(6):1144-1145.
  • Sharma, N. K., Singh, R., Pandey, N. N., Akhtar, M. S. and Mir, J. I. (2015). Threatened Fishes of The World: Glyptothorax kashmirensis (Hora, 1923; Siluriformes: Sisoridae) A Mini Review. J. Fish. Livestock Prod., 3(147): 1-2.
Notice Board
ICAR-DCFR receives Patent for an invention entitled “Composition, Protocol and Diagnostic Kit for Identification of Bacterial Pathogen Lactococcus Garvieae"
ICAR-DCFR receives Patent for an invention entitled “System for Year-Round Repeated Breeding and Higher Robust Fry Production of Golden Mahseer”
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