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Research Papers
  • Akhtar, M.S., Rajesh, M., Ciji, A., Sharma, P., Kamalam, B.S., Patiyal, R.S., Singh, A.K. and Sarma, D., 2018. Photo-thermal manipulations induce captive maturation and spawning in endangered golden mahseer (Tor putitora): A silver-lining in the strangled conservation efforts of decades. Aquaculture, 497, 336-347.
  • Ali, S., Pandey N.N., Kumar, P., Posti, R. and Singh, A.K., 2018. Response of fish communities to abiotic factors in River Western Ramganga, Kumaun Lesser Himalaya, India. Current Science, 114 (10): 2181-2188. doi: 10.18520/cs/ v114/i10/2175-2181.
  • Baruah, D. and Singh, N.D. 2018. Rice-fish cultivation of apatanis: A high altitude farming system in Arunachal Pradesh, Journal of Krishi Vigyan, 7(1): 187-191.
  • Baruah, D., Bhuyan, A., Dutta, A., Baiju, M., Nobi, P.S. and Pravin, P. 2018. Clap net operation in Brahmaputra valley for capturing Tenualosa ilisha (Hamilton, 1822), Fishery Technology, 55: 238-243.
  • Baruah, D., Kunal, K., Sarma, D., Ahmad, P., Sharma, P., Singh, A.K. and Singh, N.D. 2018. Aquatic biodiversity in upland streams of Kameng drainage in Arunachal Pradesh, Journal of Krishi Vigyan, 7(1): 10-15.
  • Baruah, D., Pravin, P. and Dutta, A. 2018. Floats and sinkers in enhancing efficacy of fishing gears operated in Assam water bodies, International Journal of Bioresource Science. 5(1): 45-50.
  • Bhat, I.A., Ahmad, I., Mir, I.N., Bhat, R.A.H., Gireesh-Babu, P., Goswami, M., Sundaray, J.K. and Sharma, R., 2018. Chitosan- eurycomanonenano formulation acts on steroidogenesis pathway genes to increase the reproduction rate in fish. The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology. 185: 237- 247.
  • Chaturvedi, P., Bhat, R.A.H. and Pande, A., 2018. Antimicrobial peptides of fish: innocuous alternatives to antibiotics. Reviews in Aquaculture. raq.12306.
  • Dash, P., Tandel, R.S., Bhat, R.A.H., Mallik, S., Pandey, N.N., Singh, A.K. and Sarma, D., 2018. The addition of probiotic bacteria to microbial floc: Water quality, growth, non-specific immune response and disease resistance of Cyprinus carpio in mid-Himalayan altitude. Aquaculture, 495, pp.961-969.
  • Ganie, P. A., Yousuf, D. J., Bhat, R.A.H., Bhat, I. A., Kunal, Kishor., Pandey, P.K., Sarma, D. 2018. Investigation of acute toxicity and behavioral response of Indian major carp, Cirrhinus mrigala (Hamilton, 1822) in response to Cypermethrin. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies. 6(6): 194-199.
  • Ganie, P.A., Baruah, D., Kunal, K., Posti, R., Garima., Sarma, D. Phytoplankton diversity and abundance in upland streams of Kameng drainage, Arunachal Pradesh. Journal of Entomology and Zoology studies. 2018; 6(6):1166-1173.
  • Jha, G. N., Sarma, D., Akhtar, M. S., Charak, A. S., Paul, N. and Kour, R. 2018. Effect of spirulina (Spirulina platensis) fortified diets on growth performance of two important cold water fishes viz. Barilius bendelisisandSchizothorax richardsonii. Journal of Coldwater Fisheries, 1(1):85-88.
  • Pandey, N. N, Kumar, P., Ali, S., Vishwakarma, B. K. and Kumar, S. 2018. Role of small tributaries in ichthyofaunal diversity of rivers in Uttarakhand. Journal of Coldwater Fisheries, 1(1):89-96.
  • Pandey, N. N, Rani, A., Vishwakarma, B.K., Singh, R. and Sarma, D. 2018. Study Of Gonado- Somatic Index And Absolute Fecundity of Bangana dero (Hamilton, 1822) Under Coldwater Conditions. (2018). International journal of advance research, 6(6):235-238.
  • Pandey, N. N., Gupta, M., Singh, R., Vishwakarma, B. K. and Kumar, S. 2018. Optimum stocking density and rearing system for larvae of Labeo dyocheilus in coldwater conditions. Journal of Coldwater Fisheries, 1(1) 60-64.
  • Pandey, N. N., Kumar, P., Ali, S., Vishwakarma, B. K. and Kumar, S. 2018. Role of small tributaries in ichthyofaunal diversity of rivers in Uttarakhand. Journal of Coldwater Fisheries, .1(1)89-96.
  • Rajesh, M., Kamalam, B.S., Ciji, A., Akhtar, M.S., Sarma, D., Sahu, N.P. and Singh, A.K., 2018. Molecular cloning and in silico analysis of elongation factor 1A in Schizothorax richardsonii. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 6(4): 1444-1453.
  • Sarma, D., Akhtar, M. S., Sharma, P. and Singh, A. K. 2018. Resources, breeding, eco- tourism, conservation, policies and issues of Indian mahseer: A review. Journal of Coldwater Fisheries, 1(1):4-21.
  • Sarma, D., Singh, A.K. and Baruah, D. 2018. Checklist of endemic ichthyofauna of North- east India, Indian J. Fish., 65(3): 1-15.
  • Sharma, L., Ali, S., Barat, A., Kumar, R., Pande, V., Laskar, M.A., Sahoo, P.K. and Sumer, S., 2018. Molecular identification and genetic diversity analysis of chocolate mahseer (Neolissochilus hexagonolepis) populations of Northeast India using mitochondrial DNA markers. Mitochondrial DNA Part A, https://
  • Hussain, S.M., Debnath, P., Sen, D., Pathak, M., Nabam, J. and Baruah, D. (2018). Integrated rice fish farming system in Arunachal Pradesh: An overview. Indian Journal of Hill Farming, 31(2): 97-101.
  • Saxena, A., Belwal, K., Chauhan, A. and Pande, A. (2018). Interferon induced Mx protein from Indian snow trout Schizothorax richardsonii (Gray) lacks critical functional features unlike its mammalian homologues. Journal of Computational Biology and Chemistry, 73: 31-40
  • Shahi, N., Ardó, L., Fazekas, G., Gócza, E., Kumar, S., Rèvèsz, N., Sándor, Z.J., Molnár, Z., Jeney, G. and Jeney, Z. (2018). Immunogene expression in head kidney and spleen of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) following thermal stress and challenge with Gram-negative bacterium, Aeromonas hydrophila. Aquaculture International, 26: 727-741.
  • Shahi, N., Mallik, S.K., Sahoo, M., Chandra, S. and Singh, A.K. (2018). First report on characterization and pathogenicity study of emerging Lactococcus garvieae infection in farmed rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), from India. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 10.1111/tbed.12843.
  • Shahi, N., Sharma, P., Pandey, J., Bisht, I. and Mallik, S.K. (2018). Characterization and pathogenicity study of Chryseobacterium scophthalmum recovered from gill lesions of diseased golden mahseer, Tor putitora (Hamilton, 1822) in India. Aquaculture, 485: 81-92.
Notice Board
ICAR-DCFR receives Patent for an invention entitled “Composition, Protocol and Diagnostic Kit for Identification of Bacterial Pathogen Lactococcus Garvieae"
ICAR-DCFR receives Patent for an invention entitled “System for Year-Round Repeated Breeding and Higher Robust Fry Production of Golden Mahseer”
COVID Vaccination Amrit Mahotsav
Tender Notice
Bid for Purchase of MS Office LTSC Professional Plus 2024
Bid for Purchase of CPVC Ball Valve (Q4)
Bid for Purchase of CPVC Industrial Pipe (Q3) , CPVC Industrial Pipe Fittings,Schedule 80 (Q3)
Bid for Purchase of Micro extruder
Walk-in-Interview for Young Professional II posts on 17.03.2025
Walk-in-Interview for Young Professional II posts on 17.03.2025
Applications are invited for the post of Authorized Medical Attendant (AMA)
Applications are invited for the post of Authorized Medical Attendant (AMA)
Corrigendum - Walk-in-Interview for JRF Post
Corrigendum - Walk-in-Interview for JRF Post
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