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Research Papers
  • Akhtar MS, Tripathi PH, Ciji A. 2022. Light spectra influence the reproductive performance and expression of immune and anti-oxidative defense genes in endangered golden mahseer (Tor putitora) female brooders. Aquaculture, 547: 737355.
  • Baruah D, Sarma D, Patiyal RS, Shahi N, Akhtar MS, Haldar RS, Pandey PK, Posti R, Singh B, Mishra A. 2022. Recreational fisheries in Uttarakhand. Aquaculture Asia, Vol. 26(4). 13-20.
  • Bhat RAH, Khangembam VC, Thakuria D, Pant V, Tandel RS, Tripathi G, Sarma D. 2022. Antimicrobial activity of an artificially designed peptide against fish pathogens. Microbiological Research. 260:127039.
  • Bhat RAH, Tandel RS, Dash P, Nazir MI, Yousuf DJ, Bhat IA, Ganie PA, Gargotra P. Siva C. 2022. Computational analysis and functional characterisation of Tor putitora toll-like receptor 4 with the elucidation of its binding sites for microbial mimicking ligands. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 130:538-549.
  • Bhat RAH, Tandel RS, Pandey PK. 2022. Alternatives to antibiotics for combating the antimicrobial resistance in aquaculture. Indian J. Animal Health. 61(2):01-18.
  • Bhat RAH, Thakuria D, Tandel RS, Khangembam VC, Dash P, Tripathi G, Sarma D. 2022. Tools and techniques for rational designing of antimicrobial peptides for aquaculture. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 127:1033-1050.
  • Bhatt P, Patiyal RS, Pathak BC, Giri AK. Temporal Study of Physicochemical Characteristics and Qualitative Plankton Diversity of a River Kosi, a Tributary of West Ramganga in Reference to the Habitat of Garra gotyla gotyla. Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences. e-ISSN: 2349-0659 p-ISSN; 2350-0964.
  • Chandra S, Posti R, Ganie PA. 2022. Strengthening the resilience of hilly Scheduled Caste Communities by Promoting Responsible Natural Fish Farming. ENVIS Bulletin, Himalayan Ecology, 30:50-53.
  • Chanu KV, Thakuria D, Pant V, Bisht S, Tandel RS. 2022. Development of multiplex PCR assay for species-specific detection and identification of Saprolegnia parasitica. Biotechnology Reports. 1;35:e00758.
  • Ciji A, Akhtar MS, Dubey MK, Pandey A, Tripathi PH, Kamalam BS, Rajesh M, Sharma P. 2022. Comparative assessment of egg and larval quality traits of progeny from wild-collected and captive-matured brooders of endangered golden mahseer, Tor putitora: A prelude to quality broodstock development and seed production. Aquaculture. 552:737949. 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2022.737949.
  • Debbarma S, Acharya A, Mangang YA, Monsang SJ, Choudhury TG, Parhi J, Pandey PK. 2022. Immune-biochemical response and immune gene expression profiling of Labeo rohita fingerlings fed with ethanolic tea leaf extracts and its survivability against Aeromonas hydrophila infection. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 130:520-529.
  • Ganie PA, Posti R, Baruah D, Kunal K, Kunal G, Sarma D, Pandey PK. 2022. Land suitability modelling for rainbow trout farming in the Eastern Himalayan Region, India, using GIS–MCE approach. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment. 21:1-26.
  • Ganie PA, Posti R, Kunal K, Kunal G, Sarma D, Pandey PK. 2022. Insights into the morphometric characteristics of the Himalayan River using remote sensing and GIS techniques: a case study of Saryu basin, Uttarakhand, India. Applied Geomatics. 14(4):707-730.
  • Gargotra P, Kaippily D, Pradhan C, Ganie PA. Korath S. 2022.Dietary potential of guar meal to replace soy meal on the survival and growth of Cyprinus carpio (Linnaeus, 1748) spawn. The Pharma Innovation. 11(12): 455-463.
  • Gladju, J., Kamalam, B.S. and Kanagaraj, A., 2022. Applications of data mining and machine learning framework in aquaculture and fisheries: A review. Smart Agricultural Technology, 100061.
  • Goswami M, Kumar AP, Patil GS, George T, Nath R, Bhuyan RN, Siva C, Laskar MA, Sumer S. 2022. Molecular identification of ornamental loaches (Cypriniformes, Cobitoidei) of North East India using mitochondrial genes. Animal Gene. 26:200136.
  • Jethi, R., Khulbe, R.K., Vasudev, C.G and Kant, L. 2022. Farmers’ Varietal Preferences and Impact of Farmers Participatory Wheat Seed Production in North Western Himalayan Region. Indian Journal of Extension Education. 58(4): 155-158.
  • Jha PN, Mallik SK, Saxena A, Shahi N, Das P, Giri AK, Pandey PK. 2022. Leaf powder of Eupatorium odoratum Enhances non-specific immune response and resistance to Aeromonas hydrophila Infection in Cyprinus carpio (Linn. 1758). Indian Journal of Animal Research. 56(7):880-6.
  • Lekshmi NM, Sreekanth GB, Singh NP, Kumar RR, Pandey PK. Effect of environmental variables on the growth of Asian green mussel Perna viridis (Linnaeus, 1758), in two different aquaculture systems in Goa, west coast of India. Indian J. Fisheries. 69(3):43-50. DOI: 10.21077/ijf.2022.69.3.115352-06.
  • Mallik SK, Kala K, Shahi N, Das RP, Patil PK, Pandey PK. 2022. Determination of lethal dose of Aeromonas hydrophila RTMCX1 and In vitro efficacy of oxytetracycline hydrochloride in golden mahseer, Tor putitora (Hamilton, 1822). Indian Journal of Animal Research. 56(7):887-92.
  • Miljanović A, Bhat RAH, Tandel RS, Pavić D, Grbin D, Dent M, Marijanović Z, Jerković I, Pedisić S, Maguire I, Bielen A. 2022. Bioactive compounds in fluid propolis preparations inhibit different life stages of pathogenic oomycetes Aphanomyces astaci and Saprolegnia parasitica. Aquaculture. 552:737982.
  • Patil PK, Mishra SS, Pradhan PK, Manna SK, Abraham JT, Solanki HG, Shahi N, Swain P, Sahoo SN, Avunje S, Sharma KS. 2022. Usage pattern of chemicals, biologicals and veterinary medicinal products in Indian aquaculture. Reviews in Aquaculture. 14(4):2038-63.
  • Rajesh M, Kamalam BS, Sharma P, Verma VC, Pandey A, Dubey MK, Ciji A, Akhtar MS, Pandey N, Sarma D, Kaushik SJ. 2022. Evaluation of a novel methanotroph bacteria meal grown on natural gas as fish meal substitute in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Aquaculture Research. 53(6):2159-74.
  • Rathod V, Kumar R, Akhtar MS, Shah TK, Ciji A, Mahavadiya DR, Vagh S, Gurjar UR. 2022. Effect of temperature on growth performance and immuno-biochemical changes in endangered golden mahseer, Tor putitora (Hamilton, 1923). Journal of Thermal Biology. 108:103300.
  • Sarma D, Mohan D, Posti R, Arya M, Ganie PA. 2022. The mighty mahseers of the genera Tor, Neolissochilus and Naziritor: A review on resource distribution, biology, ecotourism and conservation. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 69(4).
  • Shahi N, Mallik SK, Sarma, D. 2022. Muscle growth in targeted knockout common carp (Cyprinus carpio) mstn gene with low off-target effects. Aquaculture. 547:737423.
  • Sharma, A, Sarma D, Joshi R, Das P, Akhtar MS, Pande V, Sharma P. 2022. Gonad indices, morphology and muscle fatty acid compositions of male and female golden mahseer (Tor putitora) sampled from lake Bhimtal (Himalaya) at different seasons of the year. Aquaculture and Fisheries. Available online .
  • Sonti S, Tyagi K, Pande A, Daniel R, Sharma AL, Tyagi M. 2022. Crossroads of drug abuse and HIV infection: neurotoxicity and CNS reservoir. Vaccines, 10(2):202.
  • Thakuria D, Khangembam VC, Pant V, Bhat RA, Tandel RS, Siva C, Pande A, Pandey PK. 2022. Anti-Oomycete activity of chlorhexidine gluconate: molecular docking and in vitro studies. Frontiers in Veterinary Science. 9: 909570.
  • Tripathi PH, Pandey A, Ciji A, Pande V, Rajesh M, Kamalam BS, Akhtar MS. 2022. Molecular characterization of four innate immune genes in Tor putitora and their comparative transcriptional abundance during wild-and captive-bred ontogenetic developmental stages. Fish and Shellfish Immunology Reports. 3:100058.
Notice Board
ICAR-DCFR receives Patent for an invention entitled “Composition, Protocol and Diagnostic Kit for Identification of Bacterial Pathogen Lactococcus Garvieae"
ICAR-DCFR receives Patent for an invention entitled “System for Year-Round Repeated Breeding and Higher Robust Fry Production of Golden Mahseer”
COVID Vaccination Amrit Mahotsav
Tender Notice
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Walk-in-Interview for Young Professional II posts on 17.03.2025
Walk-in-Interview for Young Professional II posts on 17.03.2025
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